Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

What better way to celebrate getting OLDER than to wallow in self- pity and take myself shopping? HA.

Just kidding... kind of.

Ben took me to Marché Modern (yum) for lunch, followed of course by a visit to Christian Louboutin. Nordstrom is right next door to that so we popped in there for a quick second. 

I tried on a bunch of stuff that should have been cute, but you know- I was just having one of those days. You know the ones. Where you feel like a fat ass and nothing seems to fit quite right. 
There was an Herve Leger dress on sale for more than 50% off but I just felt like I looked like a cougar in training in it. It's too bad because with some Crisco and a pair of Spanx that dress would have ben h-o-t! 

So, after trying on about 9 outfits and then complaining to my sales guy about shitty lighting and explaining how strip clubs use red lights to reduce the look of skin blemishes and cellulite ( I swear it works) ... it was time to go. I was however grateful for all the looks I saw that I was getting- or rather that my SHOES were getting. I may have a big ass but I have killer shoes.

(jeans- Blank, tank- BP, shoes- Christian Louboutin)

I love these new jeans I picked up at Planet Funk on my long day in LA. Give me anything with back seam zippers and I'm sold! 

So we get home and there's a FedEx slip on the door. DANGIT! My Jil Sander shoes came home and I wasn't there to greet them. What a bad shoe mommy I am! :( I'm kind of pissed 'cause I really wanted to have them as an option for whatever I end up wearing tonight. 

Boo hoo.

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