Monday, June 22, 2009

China to Shoe Girl: "We No Like You!"...

Hello readers! I am sending this message through my ghost writer. (haha)

Yes, it seems that the iron fist of China has finally delivered the killing blow. They have blocked my blog. :(

I'm not sure what they think it is I'm writing about... maybe they don't like the idea of their people being up on the latest shoe trends? Maybe they invision riots on the streets of Guanzhou. Women everywhere fighting over the last pair of YSL trib too boots on sale? Mass chaos and confusion over deciding if a shoe is the original, or just another perfectly executed knock off by the clever team at Steve Madden.

Well, whatever it is, I'm sorry to say that I won't be blogging for the rest of the week. But fear not- I will be home next Monday and promise to deliver with some new posts. 

Thanks for your patience and I miss you all.

(Your Shoe Girl)

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