Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lost In Puppy Land... Then Found Again

This is my excuse for being away for the last WEEK (ahhhh!)... Look at that face and I dare you to be mad at me. ;)

UGGG! She's so cute. But any of you who own or have owned puppies know that they are total time suckers. Especially when they're this teeny and scrumptious de-loosh! 

I went to the Louboutin boutique today (shocker, I know!) and was telling my friend/favorite salesman Patrick that I am sometimes tempted to drop Stella in the oven and cook her up. 
Que cricket noise.
Obviously I was kidding... mostly. But by the silence and pained wince I got from Patrick, I guess that wasn't funny.

(jeans- JBrand, tank/bandeaux/suspenders- American Apparel, boots- L.A.M.B)

So this is what I wore today. Guess how many times people asked me if I forgot my whip at home. Well, I'll tell you. 3. Not that funny guys. They're more Edward Scissorhands than dominatrix IMO.
I do feel like I have to pick and choose when I wear these babies. They are definitely not an everyday thing, right. 


(that was my whip)

ANYway... sorry for my leave of absence. I'll be better this week. :)

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