So I'm sure you are all familiar with that little shoe blog called Sea of Shoes by now? She has a few people that are into it, no big deal. ;)
Anyway- I saw her now post yesterday and kind of freaked out. I am officially obsessed with these big black furry monsters on her feet!
(image via sea of shoes)
They are by BCBG and as far as I know, are impossible to find. I closed the tab for her blog and immediately searched all over google for a savior. No luck.
THEN... I realized, duuuuh Celine. Your friend is a BCBG designer and quite possibly designed these babies! HELLO!
So one quick and frantic phone call later and it turns out she did in fact design these and there is now hope that I may too own these shoes. When I asked said friend about these she said they were "scary" and I think that's why I love them so much. They remind me of the Nina Ricci's that I will sadly never get my paws on. They are totally different but similar in a way. Hmmm.
Any-hoo... what do you think?? Love them? Hate them?