Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Parties: Part Deux

So the second party was my work party! Since it's my dad's company it was held at my parents house, which is always nice. I felt right at home cause, well... I kind of was.
(My former home of course)

Any-hoo... I always like to use holiday parties as an excuse to dress up and sometimes go over the top.

I wore a Betsey Johnson dress and my favorite holiday time shoes- my pretty glittery Louboutins. I attempted my very first up-do and was pleasantly surprised if I do say so myself ;)

I got this necklace from that jewelry party I went to last month... Love it! It reminds me of a skull in Mickey Mouse ears.

I wore heavy eye makeup and big ol tranny lashes. I LOVE fake lashes and any excuse to use them!
My lovely family :)
My sister, dad, mom and baby sis... who depressingly isn't a baby at all anymore :(

My Tim and his Bentley... and my "brother" Tomas who is the amazingly talented L.A.M.B. footwear designer
It was a super fun night with friends family and tequila shots.

(sorry for the kinda crappy/inconsistently lit images)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Parties: Part 1

One of my favorite things about the holidays? Dressing up and going to parties of course!
The first Holiday party of the season was at our amazingly awesome friend Kelley's house, Xanadu. Yes, Kelley and her hubby Kyle have named their home Xanadu. Amazing.

Anyway- it was really fun and some of the evening include but are not limited to:
  • Delicious food
  • Gay cupcakes
  • Gay wardrobe change
  • Paper crowns
  • Booze
  • Good people
  • Good times
Lemmie just show you-

Our lovely hostess, prepping the chicken and waffle appetisers
Argh! Parker Jacobs!
Miss Tracy and her beautiful paper crown
Pedro made the gayest cupcakes ever! They were delish! (Unicorn cupcakes and rainbow cupcakes)
My husband in his hetero outfit...
Pedro and I
Ben and Pedro... after a little change.

Yikes babe. Big thank you Pedro for the lovely underwear modeling.
Ben... no.

I fell over in shock. Ok so I fell off the couch cause my pants were slippery and I had some drinks.

(sweater- BP, pants- American Apparel, boots- Rosegold)

Amazing kick off to some fun holiday parties! Thanks Kyle and Kelly!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Oh Ben and his friends... so silly.

Go check out and look at their awesome shirts. Proof that Christian brands don't have to be dorky or douchy- aka NOTW and stuff.
This is my best friend's husband's brand and Ben has been helping with the shirt graphics so I back it.
I personally love the "Original Instant Message" shirt and totally wear it.

ANYWAY- I digress.

Go to the YouTube video and comment on it and YOU can win a FREE shirt!! Just leave your comment and put (TSG) at the end so I know you're one of MINE. ;)

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and I love you guys so much!! Thanks for all the support this year and for continuing to read my dorky blog.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Congratulations to reader...


You're going to be the proud new owner of Perricone MD's Advanced Face Firming Activator!!

Congrats :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lady B

Gala Darling's recent post on Beyonce got me interested in checking out her videos.
Her newest (I think) video for her song featuring Lady Gaga, "Video Phone" is amaaaaaazing! You guys have to check it out. She looks stunning and rocks a ton of crazy sexy looks and equally sexy shoes!

These Giuseppe Zanotti boots are supah fierce! (Check out Luxirare rocking them here)

This Bettie Page look is probably my favorite. She looks so beautiful!
Hot hot hot...
Alongside my BFF, Lady Gaga. I still love the red Valentino shoes B is wearing but I NEED the yellow Louboutins my girl Gaga is wearing. Amazing.

I officially love Beyonce. She is so kind and humble- check out Gala's post and you'll see what I mean.

And watch this!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pretty Please with a Bow on Top

Yesterday my friends and I had brunch and did a little gift exchange. Since 6 out of 8 of us were a size 6, I brought a pair of Harajuku Lovers samples that I love but never got made.

I wore my favorite sweater as a dress and my new Yokoo Minnie bow in cranberry. I'm telling you guys, I'm obsessed with these. They make every outfit cuter. ;)
They'd make really great holiday gifts and are totally adjustable so they'll fit anyone!

(sweater dress- Betsey Johnson, bow- Yokoo, tights- bebe, boots- Harajuku Lovers)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

You Can't Spell Jewelry Without a Jew...

Hello and happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends!

Last night my friend and across-the-street neighbor Gigi hosted a jewelry party at her house, so I decided to pop over and take a peek!

I really loved a lot of Rachel May's pieces and bought a bracelet and necklace for myself. Hanukkah presents to me from me! ;)

Our lovely hostess, Gigi...

The big black monsters...
Yes, I got them (sorry Sister Wolf) and they are indeed big scary shoes. I think I love them but to be honest, looking at this picture makes me wonder if I'm smoking crack. They're about a size too big but I got them anyway because I'm a total fashion victim I guess. I'm thinking of selling them and getting the right size from my friend who designed them.
Doi. I should have just waited.

Oh well.

On a side note- I met my husband 4 years last night! I love you Benjamin!! Thank you for putting up with my crap and being such a sweetie pie.

(sweater- Mossimo, skirt/tights- American Apparel, headband/necklace- Forever21, shoes- BCBG, Gigi's shoes- Miu Miu)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Turning Japanese

I hope you all know about Yokoo by now. You definitely should.

Well today I received my highly anticipated Minnie bows!! YIPPEE! Look how happy I am. I love them and plan to wear them as often as possible. The perfect girly addition to any outfit!
(Thank you Yokoo for the added gift. That was really very sweet)

Oh... What's that? You want to see my nails? You think they look amazing?

Well hello Japanese nail art. I kind of love you.
I got them done at this cute little place called Atlas Studio in Costa Mesa and I've decided that my nails will never feel whole again without glittery barnacles attached to them.

Japanese Nail Art

If you live in the area you need to check them out. Sweetest cutest girls and endless possibilities for your nails! They have tons of Japanese nail art magazines and a book of pictures from clients. I was so excited about all of the choices that it took me almost an hour to decide on a look!

(714) 429-1048
Tell them Celine sent you ;)


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Perricone Coupon...

...and by "coupon" I mean 100% off. FREE! Yep, another GIVEAWAY!!!!! Haha!

Can you believe it?? Twice in one month! I love it. This time, Perricone is giving away their Advanced Face Firming Activator ($120 value) to one lucky reader!

Their Advanced Face Firming Activator transforms skin to appear firm, toned and absolutely glowing, while preventing further damage. Formulated with Alpha Lipoic Acid and DMAE that work synergistically to visibly resurface skin's texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and reveal a radiant and healthy complexion.

Sounds good to me!

To enter, just leave a comment on this post saying why you'd like to win this amazing skincare product. Easy peezy...

**The winner will be chosen Friday, 12/18/09 and must be in the US (sorry!!)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Black Beauty

So I'm sure you are all familiar with that little shoe blog called Sea of Shoes by now? She has a few people that are into it, no big deal. ;)

Anyway- I saw her now post yesterday and kind of freaked out. I am officially obsessed with these big black furry monsters on her feet!

(image via sea of shoes)

They are by BCBG and as far as I know, are impossible to find. I closed the tab for her blog and immediately searched all over google for a savior. No luck.
THEN... I realized, duuuuh Celine. Your friend is a BCBG designer and quite possibly designed these babies! HELLO!

So one quick and frantic phone call later and it turns out she did in fact design these and there is now hope that I may too own these shoes. When I asked said friend about these she said they were "scary" and I think that's why I love them so much. They remind me of the Nina Ricci's that I will sadly never get my paws on. They are totally different but similar in a way. Hmmm.

Any-hoo... what do you think?? Love them? Hate them?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Date Night

Last night, Ben and I went out with our favorite neighbors to eat some serious king crab legs. I learned my lesson from Thanksgiving and in preparation for my over-eating I wore a loose top. ;)

My Fendi shoes that Victoria Beckham forced me to buy came in the mail so I obviously had to wear them! They take high to a new level for me. I think these are officially the highest heel I own but I'll have to get out the measuring tape to make sure.

And here they are... Tah-dah!

Stella kisses!

*** THEY WENT ON SALE AT BARNEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are now 40% off!***

(top- Urban Outfitters, jacket- Sylvia Rielle, leggings- White House Black Market, shoes- Fendi)