Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bored in China...

We have a day off today, which is so weird. Believe it or not, I've never had one before. 
Well, maybe once but that was forever ago and I was sick or something. China is work work work. 

OMG though, last night... hammer time. I drank like 2 bottles of wine and I am paying for it. It was super duper fun though. Fun, in China. It's kind of a new concept for me but seems to be the theme of this trip. I'm usually totally depressed, but this time for whatever reason I'm quite chipper.

Anyway, I don't suppose any of you amazing people want to help me reconfigure my blog? I mean, I just want to do simple stuff like change my background to something custom that I made, but can't for the life of me figure out how to place. URGH! 

*stomps around room in a pouty child-like fashion*

Something about Blogger. I just cant get it. My myspace is all tricked out but this thing... well let's just say I'm not stoked on it. For now- I'll make a few changes. Test out a new look. What do you think? Do I look more mature and serious now? ha ha ha

Anyway anyway.........
I just had a 2 HOUR foot "ah-massagie" and it was ah-amazing! Like wow. All I needed was al floor length golden gilded gown and one of those 
long cigarette thingies and a hot greased up Italian man in the place of my sweet little Chinese girl.
Luxury daaaahhhling. Pure luxury.

So This is What I Do on My Off Days:
-watch fashion tv
-lurk my blog favies
-play world of warcraft for a few hours (I can't believe I wrote that. Truth's out)
-eat at semi-questionable Chinese buffets cause I don't want to leave the hotel
-talk talk talk while Jessie is trying to quietly enjoy her foot massage
-have embarrassingly long photo sessions of me making weird faces on my MacBook
-make myself laugh with crap like this:

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