I haven't forgotten about you oh dear blog of mine... You are always on my mind. It's just that this week at work is insane and so super hectic that I can barely think. I am so stressed right now!! On top of that, I'm starting to feel sick. You know- that achy feverish burning hot eyes, sore throat kind of sick. Yuck is right.
I've got a big week and an even bigger weekend. Our LAMB designer is flying in with samples Thursday. As soon as he gets there it will be a mad rush to get all the samples photographed, and put onto linesheets to go out to salesmen in time for the shoe show. Then, he and I have to go shop LA all day Friday to find inspiration for our meeting with Andrea Lieberman that will take place all day Saturday and Sunday!!
Andrea is AMAZING. If you know who she is you'll understand why every time we work with her it's super intimidating!! (here's a little bio) She's awesome to work with, but no matter how cool she is, it's hard not to feel like you don't know shit about shit when you're around her! So anyway, needless to say, I'm a bit stressed. Oh, did I forget to mention that's not even my full time job? Oh yea!
So I help out with LAMB (lucky for me) but my main focus is JLO footwear. As I am typing this I am in the middle of sending emails to China describing colors and materials for the upcoming Spring '09 collection. Yes... 2009. I just finished sketching the 35 shoes that were needed to make the collection. Now it's on to detailing and checking prototypes and blah blah blah.
Wow. No wonder my body is shutting down. Anyway- back to work. I just wanted to check in on you. ;)