Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The first blog

... and I'm still not sure where to go with this. I have so much to say about shoes. Shoes are all I think about all day long. I'm going to have to sit with this and figure out how I want to do this. I'd hate to sit here and type about a mish mash of crap that just confuses people. (like maybe how I'm doing right now...?)
ANYWAY, what I have now is my shoe of the week. This week it is the much discussed shoe by Marc Jacobs. If you google "marc jacobs weird shoe" this shoe comes up. I however, think it's pretty cool. This is the runway version in the picture... I bought the all over black patent leather one without that weird loopy thing on it, and I (unlike my husband) think its super cool and sexy!
What do YOU think??? 

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