Thursday, September 30, 2010

Heat Wave

I don't own a lot of expensive clothes because, well... I just can't afford them. Expensive shoes are bad enough, I can't imagine if I bought designer clothes too! Then I'd have to find a designer cardboard box to live in.

When I was in New York I went to Century 21 for some seriously discounted designer goods. It's pretty amazing there if you're willing to take time to dig for hidden treasures. For us West Coasters, think Lohman's but WAY bigger and with some seriously high end designers.

While digging I found some great Vivienne Westwood Anglomania stuff, including this...

It's like a flowy vest type thing but can be buttoned and belted and worn like this..

I love the bold print. I guess I'd describe it as a sort of baroque tribal print. The original price was outrageous! I think it was like $350 but Century 21's price was $160 and with my 50% discount (we sell to them so we get hooked up)... $80 Not bad, right?? I got a few other pieces from her that I just love. I got some great Marc by Marc stuff too :)
Yay for not paying retail!

I love these clunky chunky shoes by Celine. They've taken quite a beating with me wearing them all Summer, but the leather wore in really nicely :)

The pop of color on the top inspired my to bust out my Heat Wave lipstick by NARS. Pretty appropriate since we are in the middle of a scorching heat wave!!

(shorts- Siwy, tank- Sparkle and Fade, top- Vivienne Westwood, lips- NARS's Heat Wave, shoes- Celine)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Other Worldly Shoes

As mentioned by Luxirare and StyleBubble... These Anastasia Radevich creations blew my mind. The following shoes are from her latest collection called Kenetik. They are true sculptural and technical masterpieces.

As a shoe designer, I really appreciate the love and creation that goes into shoe design. The blood and sweat behind the end result. When I see designs of this caliber I love to guess at what inspired the designer...

The heel is like black ink gliding through water. It's so beautiful and unlike anything I've seen.

Maybe she was inspired by liquidity. Dancing moving pigment. 

Bjork's Vespertine album comes to mind as well. Something about the artwork reminds me of the fluidity of the heel. 

These shoes have LED lighting in them... behind a screen of mesh, they remind me of electric Jellyfish. Or a far away galaxy.

There is something very alien like about jellyfish. Something about these shoes as well.

Whatever her inspiration was, she has inspired me. These are amazing and I'd love to get my hands on a pair.

By the way, Some other LED shoes...


 Jimmy Choo


Betsey Johnson sent light up stripper shoes like these down the runway

Ok, not shoes, but Katy Perry's light up dress at the Met Gala

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Save My Sole!

A few months ago a company called Kushyfoot contacted me about sending me samples of their products. Being the shoe whore shoe lover that I am, I told them that I would gladly check them out... well I sure am glad I did!
The product that I thought would be the most useful for me were their Flats to Go. They're super easy to stuff in even the smallest handbags and are a total life saver when you need them. They're a no-brainer and I wish I would have thought of them first!
I had them with me in my bag at all times during Fashion Week in New York in case of a shoe-mergency. 

They look Ok though I definitely wouldn't wear them as shoes on purpose. They're not ugly, just not "real" footwear and though they don't seem durable enough to last forever, at only $9 a pair... who cares! They get the job done. They lasted through Fashion Week and literally saved my feet numerous times. Think heels in the meatpacking district!! All those cobblestones? Forget it!

(image piedolatrie)

Princess Poochie and I both slipped ours on after the Betsey Johnson show on our way to the Stacy Lomman show. It was raining and we both felt like our feet were getting a bit soggy in them but they survived and they saved my precious Spine Heels from the wet streets. 
I think they should add these to women's restrooms at bars. Like, they should have a machine that has tampons, lip gloss, and disposable flats. Genius if I do say so my self. And I do. ;)

The product that sort of caught me off guard though were these Super Low Cut Foot Covers. Um... AMAZING. I am not exaggerating ladies. I will be wearing these with everything this Fall. They are a new ShoeGirl staple.
I almost overlooked them in my package of goodies they sent but when I was packing for New York I grabbed them just in case.
I usually use regular ped socks when I wear boots or any kind of lace up shoe but I have these pink oxfords that are low cut and a regular ped would show. So, I tried these out and I will never look back. They have padding on the ball of the foot and even more importantly, in the back... you know, where you usually get blisters from shoes rubbing if you walk too long? Not any more. And they're thin like tights so they don't make your shoe feel smaller. They're low cut enough that you can wear them with pumps if you want too!! They're total pedicure savers too which is a great bonus. I hate when I get pedis in the Fall and then wear a closed toe shoe that chips off my polish!

I love love love these and think you should check them out. You can find theme here at or on Amazon.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Balenciaga Obsession

I obsessed and obsessed and prayed that they would be in my price range. I decided that even if they weren't, I'd tip off the black market organ people and in exchange for a small finder's fee, I would give up a kidney. 
Alas, they were over $3,000. NOT in my price range. Not even in my price orbit. 

I took my frustrations to paper and came up with this. My version of the shoes I covet. Slightly girlier than Ghesquiere's versions. Pink and a pop of leopard (Betsey would be proud) and voila! I'm redesigning a masterpiece! Take that!! 
I won't actually have them made but I feel better now that I've purged my frustration into a drawing ;)

The originals...

So beautiful it hurts.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friends and Fashion Week... Fin

Wednesday was my day off from shows so you know what that means...
S H O P P I N G ! !

I got a bunch of amazing stuff but most importantly- THE SHOES!

These Miu Miu's are sweet and sexy! Yes please.

And these? These Alexander Wang booties are ridiculous. They are so high and uncomfortable but SO good...
I need to stress the height here
I mean, seriously. Yikes.

I'm in love. Shoe love is a polygamist love... But it's so good.

On to Thursday which was was the day of my last show. The L.A.M.B. show!
It was so fun and they were really good to me with the seating assignment. Betsey's people shoved me in the 8th row against the wall like a red headed step child, and you know what happened at bebe.
We were second row behind Debbie Harry and Tom and Tony from No Doubt. So cool.

And speaking of cool- look at this! No wait, listen first cause it sounds cooler than it looks.
My picture is on in the "front row" section of their runway coverage! I'm there along with some seriously cool celebs which in turn, made me feel pretty cool myself. Don't tell anyone that I'm really not, I wanna see how long I can fool them ;)

Now am I the only one, or does it look like I sniffed a fart?
I wish the girl that took this told me who she was. I would have backed up, pulled out an oil blotter, and smiled.
Here's my do-over. Happy me.

Anyway, the show itself was so fun and SO Gwen. Prints prints everywhere. I love how she designs things that she wants to wear herself. It comes across as totally her and 100% genuine.
A mix of dance music and classic reggae played loudly while Gavin and the boys from No Doubt bobbed their heads to the beat. It was such a cool scene, just like the lady of the hour herself.

Here are some of my favorite looks from the show

And Gwen herself. Such a cutie!

Gwen is truly amazing and sweet and talented and I am really honored to get to work with her. I'm so proud of her success in design and music and her family. It's really great to be a part of it, even if it's a teeny tiny part. I'm really lucky and I'll never forget this amazing time in my life.

After the show? The after party!

Now for my stalkerazzi photos of the night...

Before the show:
Our seats. My cutie pie little sister Katie and our friend Shin ♥ Oh and Deb.

The boys from No Doubt, there to show support. :)

After the show? The afterparty! More stalkerazzi...

Nikki Hilton...
Susan mother effing Sarandon 

Art by Mr. Brainwash