Monday, August 30, 2010

Just For Shizz and Giggles

Mondays suck so hopefully this will brighten your day. :)

What do you do when a fellow blogger posts photos like these and asks for her readers to submit their version?? 

Well, this is what I did...

You like the Nomadic Baglady Look?? Hahaha!!

Other readers also dressed the part. They look pretty amazing and are killing these looks.

I love her pillow and the teapot around her belt just puts me over the pee in my pants edge.

Kate B-
Is that Thumper I see in your bag??

A sophisticated version of the look. ;)

I like that she and I had the same idea to hold plants in our hands.

She is SERIOUSLY rocking this look!!

Now if any of you are brave enough I'd LOVE to see your looks. Don't be shy, this was so much fun to put together and it's nice to make fun of yourself sometimes.

Thank you Sister Wolf for making me laugh and for reminding us that we bloggers can't take this crap too seriously. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Time Has Come

It's almost Fashion Week again and time to go to New York. To celebrate I've decided to finally nut up and buy my first piece, or in this case pieces, of Wendy Brandes Jewelry! I just need your help deciding which ones to go with!

There's the original swear rings...

seen here in print. So cool

The new and amazing OMG rings...

and of course, the NYC rings that would be perfect for the occasion though they may not be as well received on my home coast. ;) I don't want to start an East Coast West Coast shoe rivalry or anything.
On second thought, that could be fun.

"Get the Gaga rings!!" you say?? Well They aren't for sale. So help me pick between the others! ;)

Check out Wendy's other pieces too. She's really great at making beautiful super original and always thoughtful pieces. There's always a story behind all her work and it's so inspiring to see the passion that goes into it.
On top of being a fabulous jewelry designer Wendy is also spectacularly beautiful and sweet as can be. Check her out if you haven't already.  She and her blog are hilarious!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fashion Emergency!!


It's time! I'm going to the Emmys tomorrow and still don't know what I'm going to wear. I need your help PLEASE!

The Contenders:

The Shoes-


Miu Miu







I know, I know. It's obvious which shoes FREAKING RULE here but now consider...

The Dresses-



*DISCLAIMER: Please excuse the photos. No makeup... my hair isn't "done" and I am in a huge hurry to get your input so these are just to give you a general idea. K thanks! haha. <3

(dress- Goldie)
I'm really liking this one but the shoes are definitely the least comfortable. Do I care?? I don't think so...


(dress- Betsey Johnson)
I'm thinking that this is too casual... not Emmy appropriate??

Same dress as the pink but navy :)

(dress- Betsey Johnson)
Again... too casual?

(dress- Christian Lacroix)
I love this dress but I think it's too wacky.

(dress- Betsey Johnson)
Too "prom" right??

Thursday, August 19, 2010

One Last Flat Post (For a While)

HELLO!! I've been in Mexico with my hunny bunny celebrating our anniversary so sorry for the silence. I'm back and excited for my spine shoes that are coming in any day now. They got stuck in customs but will hopefully be here Saturday. Fingers crossed!! I have the Emmys Saturday too so I'd like to have the option to wear them just in case I feel like being ultra fierce and perhaps looking like a tranny.

You guys are probably sick of flats so I promise I wont post flats for a while after today. You gotta admit these are pretty great though. Do I look tan?

There she goes with her crop top and vintage culottes again. I like what I like. What can I say.

Yes that's a bolo tie! Hey Wendy B... you like??


This outfit needs some OMG rings.


These are the white pair from Chloe that I was talking about in my other flat post. I love a good deal and I love Chloe so I totally won.

(top- American Apparel, shorts and bolo tie- Vintage, shoes- Chloe)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Betsey on Sale!

You guys there are some great deals on ideeli today featuring my first collection for Betsey Johnson! All the designs on the site are my design :) So now is a good time to check it out if you haven't already.

Here are a few of my faves if you don't mind me patting myself on the back. haha!

Yippee! Click here to check it out... BETSEY ON SALE

ALSO! Make sure you check out Project Runway tonight 'cause Betsey herself will be guest judging. Betsey told me it was a lot of fun to film and there were some funny moments so I can't wait to see if some of those moments make it on air.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Date Night

Sometimes it's nice to get dressed up just for fun and go on a date with my wonderful hubby :)
It's a great excuse to wear ridiculously high shoes too!

(dress- 12th Street by Cynthia Vincent, Clutch- L.A.M.B., Shoes- Christian Louboutin)

These shoes are my 3 hour shoes. I can't do much standing/walking in them so I don't like to wear them to anything lasting longer than 3 hours. haha

*I   L O V E   T H E S E   S H O E S *

I would like to sing them a love song.  ♪ ♫ La la la laaaaaa ♫ ♪ 

And now: The money shot for all you perverts out there. I love you. Hahahaha ♥