Friday, February 27, 2009

4 1/2 Hours on My Feet...

The day after the dinner, my twinnie Christie and I decided we'd pop by the Louboutin signing to have our shoe boxes signed real quick. Hahaha! Real quick.

...cut to 4 1/2 hours later. Our feet were killing us, we hadn't eaten all day (besides the pure sugar "cakes" they passed out) and we were getting cranky. We tried to make light of it and made fun of the situation. We definitely kept ourselves entertained.
The women in line with us were super great also, so that helped. We had an adorable mom of 2 next to us, and her twin girls were SO well behaved, it was crazy. Behind her was a mom with a baby... a BABY... that never cried once. They must be future shoe girls.

Christian Louboutin was amazing. He spent time with every single person in line (which explains the 4.5 hour wait) talking and taking pictures. He really was a great sport. I hear some people even waited for close to 8 hours!! 

2 of my gorgeous bloggers were there! That was a nice surprise. :)

This is me and reader Mika! She said she recognized me by my shoes and blonde hair. So cute. 

About halfway through waiting I got bored and decided to buy these amazing new bright yellow pumps. SO cute!

I wore my new "sexy ice creams" to the signing, so you can imagine the pain I was feeling. Ouch, but so worth it.

Me and my new BFF. We totally match. ;)

(cause I was wearing a Barbie necklace)

The day was crazy and hectic and totally fun. I was glad to get home and off my feet though!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thank You Wire Image...

Better Pics of the decor!! YAY!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I know you guys are waiting to hear about my dinner with Christian Louboutin, but I promise I'll tell you all about it AND about today- tomorrow.


sorry you guys.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


So last night Ben and I went to the most delicious Mexican food place SLASH cougar hangout in Newport Beach, Javiers.
Our totally radical friends Matt and Christie came with and I just wanted to share the funny-ness. 

When Christie and I hang out people usually ask if were sisters, and we've even had some people assuming that we're twins. So when she and her hubbs showed up to go to Javiers, you can imagine how amazing it was that our husbands were dressed suspiciously alike. 

Amazing, right? 

Here are Christie and I. Christie looking cute as usual. She's one of those friends that I can always count on to be wearing cute shoes. 
And yes, that is important to me. Hahaha! Shallow? Whatever. She also happens to be a rad person so I win.

I should have asked her what her shoes were. Mine are L.A.M.B. 
My little jumpsuit deal is from Forever 21 and my sweater is JCrew. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Macy's... You Made Me Sad.

So I have to tell you, when 2 of my girlfriends separately sent me texts with pictures of my Harajuku Lovers shoes at Macy's, I was super excited. It was the moment I've been waiting for- my shoes in a department store for the first time! I was ecstatic! 

So I threw on one of my favorite pairs of HL shoes (above) and headed to the mall with my sister Katie. I was seriously on a high. I know it sounds silly, but come on. I mean, I was about to see the fruit of my labor in all its retail glory. 
I imagined a shiny bright table filled with my shoes with a glowing spotlight on them and girls gathered all around the table fighting over the last pair!

Well, what was actually there almost made me cry.

Katie and I walked all around the store looking for the table with my shoes on it, my smile fading with each passed table. I found a sales person and she said "Someone will be with you in a minute, sorry, I've been here since 6am."

...Ummmm, really?

Next sales person:
me-"Hi! Do you guys carry Harajuku Lovers footwear?"
her- "Uh, I'm sorry?"
me- "Hara-JUKU Lovers?"
her- "Hmmm. No? Oh! wait wait! I know what you mean- they're junior's shoes. Over there." (points and walks away)


me- "Hey. Where's your Harajuku Lovers shoes? Do you have any?"
him-(with bad teeth and an ill-fitting suit) "Uh. No, we don't have.... oh wait- um, I think I've seen those. Ya, they're over there. Just one style though." (points.)
me-"Well, are you getting any more in?"
him-"Uh, no, I don't think so. We've never really carried them before."

You guys I was literally clenching my fists and gritting my teeth here.

me- "Oh, really?"

Then this fabulous gay man peeks his head out from the back.

fabgay- "Did you say Harajuku Lovers? Ya, were getting like 7 more styles in, I was just looking at our on order and they're really cute! Oh- I love your shoes!"
(aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! light beaming down on him from heaven) 
me- "Awesome! Thank you!"

You guys, seriously. I wanted to punch someone. Then I went over to look at my shoes and they were on a table squished in with a bunch of M.I.A shoes (yuck) and there was no sign or anything. It's so frustrating because this is a launch collection and they shouldn't have put just ONE effing style on the table. They should have waited and had a full table of all the styles. URGHHH!!!

On a brighter note, that was only South Coast, and I head that they are already selling well at other stores. I wanna go check out the Fashion Island store too. Maybe it'll be better there? Hmmm. 

Well, I cheered myself up with a new pair of shoes. 
...but more on that tomorrow ;) hehe.

One more thing- Nordstrom isn't carrying my line until next season because apparently they had a really bad time with the sneakers cause they didn't sell well. OBVIOUSLY not my fault cause I don't do sneakers. Well, if any of you have some free time I'd LOVE it if you'd help me rub it in their faces. Click on this link and select a store near you and just call, ask for Brass Plum shoes and say something like, "Hi, do you guys carry Harajuku Lovers shoes? (NOT the sneakers, the heels, sandals, etc.)" 
You could also say something like, "Do you have the Harajuku Lovers sandals that were in Teen Vogue?"

Hehee!! Thanks guys! I truly love you.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello Again...

Sorry I've been away! I've missed you all.

Ben took me away for the long weekend to Palm Springs. We stayed in the cutest little bed and breakfast I've ever seen!

In the Pretty in Pink suite where Marilyn Monroe used to stay. 

My Valentine's day "outfit" consisted of a beautiful set from Agent Provocateur and my pink Miu Miu mary janes. 
Ben liked.

We barely even noticed that it rained all weekend ;)

What did everyone else do???

I know my dear friend Jessie P got ENGAGED!!!! Congratulations my dear darling friend!!! I love you! :) YAY!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wanna Meet Christian Louboutin?

I just got my invite in the mail and I'm going! :) You guys should come if you're in the area. Wouldn't that be fun?? A Shoe Girl field trip?!


Anyway, He'll be at the Louboutin boutique @ South Coast Plaza on Tuesday, Feb. 24th from noon to 4pm.
I met him once a few years ago and he was great. You can have him sign your shoes or whatever and he's seriously adorable.

I'm thinking I should pick up the "sexy ice cream" ones. Hehe.

Along with my invitation was a little insert telling about Louboutin's collaboration with the world renowned embroiderers Jean Francois Lesage. They are previewing their limited edition Marie Antoinette capsule collection, and they say "Each shoe is a work of art and exquisite blend of sculpture and fine embroidery in a wearable classic Louboutin evening silhouette."
There are only 36 pair that exist in the world, and each shoe is stamped with a limited edition number. Each pair will be sold in a special box with accompanying book.  

The shoes will retail for $ 6,295 and will debut February 23 at the South Coast Plaza boutique and on February 26 on the East Coast at the Madison Avenue boutique. I'd think that we would get the second shipment, as New York is so much radder than our Orange County... but I guess not.

I obviously won't be buying these shoes. Firstly, Ben would murder me- collect on the insurance and then sell the shoes on ebay (and finally get those damned countertops).  
Second, I'd never in good consience wear them out. Ever. 

I find it interesting that in such crazy economic times, there would be $6000+ shoes. I mean, it's kind of an F-U to those of us struggling to pay our mortgages, right? But... that's what we love about our fashion icons I suppose. Their never wavering middle fingers they all seem to be throwing up at us.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Oh Miss Katy...

So I'm not a huge fan of awards shows. I sometimes watch the pre shows to see what everyone's wearing, but that's usually it. 
For whatever reason I found myself watching the Grammy's while Rock of Love Tour Bus was on commercial. Yes, I love trashy TV- so what?

I was a little disappointed in Katy Perry. I think she's super cute and her songs are catchy enough. Her performance last night though, was as flat as her shoes. 
Her voice sounded not too good, but sadder than that was the fact that she was wearing some pretty boring shoes. 

I guess I just feel like if you're a performer you should wear killer shoes. Maybe I'm spoiled with girls like Gwen who run around on stage, give a great performance, AND wear killer heels! 

Anyway, my point was just that I was pretty bummed to see these (YAWN) boring shoes with the otherwise glitzy and over the top stage/costumes. 

What do you guys think? :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Heart Sales.

Sooooo, to be perfectly honest, I didn't like these at first. I might have even said that they were hideous. I know I thought it at least.

Something magical happens when you see a YSL shoe on sale. You go- hmmm, maybe I should give that a second look. And then, sometimes when you do... you like it.

Case in point. I saw these on the sale rack at Bergdorf, and figured I hadn't given them a fair shot and never actually tried them on. So I did, and you know... I kinda love them. They look great with my JBrand zipper jeans and they aren't as over exposed as my TribToo pumps. 
I wore them to dinner tonight and was pleasantly surprised at their comfort and that the tractor bottom does wonders on icy and snowy patches of concrete. Haha. My new "walking" shoes. 

So anyway- time for you to judge. What do you think??

Tomorrow it's back to California. I didn't make it out of here without shopping for myself, but at least the things I did buy were at HUGE discounts. I got these YSLs for like, 60% off and then I got THE SICKEST Jill Sander boots for a whopping 80% off!! Amazing. (I'll post about those when I get home)
I also got a Marc by MJ coat for I dunno what % off... but it was a good deal. ;)
Pretty good for a shopaholic, huh? 

Ben, don't be mad! We'll get our countertops soon!

Valentines Schmalentines...

I for one, am not a big fan of Valentine's day. It's pretty silly and I think it puts a lot of pressure on dudes and they hate it most of the time. It's kind of a selfish holiday, no?
Plus, my baby's nice to me every day, so I don't need a holiday for that. ;)

ANYWAY, enough self-righteous ranting. hahaha

Though I'm apposed to the holiday, I'm always up for a theme and a reason to wear something to go with it. I love gaudy Christmas sweaters and Halloween costumes, and on Valentines Day... I go for the girly hearts and pink, white and red.
Here's my first attempt at using Polyvore.

hearts on shoes

Yay! I went into McQueen yesterday and saw those hot pink heart peep toes in person. I think the heart opening is a little too big and I hate when there's too much toe action going on. 
I still love that Vivienne Westwood for Melissa shoe (the pink one with the black hearts) but won't get them 'cause Pamela Anderson kinda ruined them for me. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hello from Snowy NY...

Sorry- I know it's been a few days but I've been traveling and getting ready for this shoe show. 

It's freaking cold in NY by my California standards, but I can tell by the lack of coats around here that I'm just being a wimp. It's been snowing all day and it's starting to stick. 
slushy slush slush.

So far I've had a really positive reaction to my Harajuku collection, which is awesome, and people are actually really excited about JLO for the first tim in a long time. It's an international only brand right now, with the exception of a few dot com's like the amazing (LOVE you girls! Are you coming to the showroom??) So it's exciting when we get interest domestically. 

Anyway, I forgot my camera- BIG doi- but I'll try to take pics tomorrow to show you my collections.

Here are my new Harajuku Lovers rain boots I had made for the trip. Thank god I brought them or I'd have ruined some shoes for sure!
Also, our new apartment in Tribeca that I have absolutely fallen madly in love with and plan to make my second home. I really want to get to know NY better and now I have the best excuse. :) yay! Bi-costal designer sounds nice, right?

My dad and his friend. Good times.

Anyway, just wanted to touch base. Tomorrow it's more meetings and then my favorite part- SHOPPING!
If any of you NY locals have any little shopping gems I should know about please hook it up! I am such a newbie and I want to know where to go besides the obvious Barney's, Saks, Jeffrys, etc etc.
Thanks bitches!

Over and out.